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SSD Fresh customizes your system for use. SSD drivers have only a limited lifespan (limited write access per memory cell). Therefore, any unnecessary access to the writing application helps you to optimally configure the system to reduce unnecessary writing processes. This improves the life of the SSD.

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See driver information

Learn about your drivers and manufacturers. SSD Fresh displays appropriate general information for the hard drive installed on your computer. You can see examples of storage capacity and how much space you have.

Data visualization

Modern hard drives use self-monitoring systems, called systems (self-monitoring technology, analysis and reporting). It scans the disk and already shows defects before it can cause data loss. SSD Fresh reads this data and is displayed in a window.

Disable Windows defragmentation

Because SSDs have the same access time for all memory cells, they do not need to be stored consistently. In addition, the defragmentation process creates success records, which shortens the life of the SSD. Therefore, it is not strongly recommended to exclude the defragmentation process.

Turn off the timestamp

Windows saves access time for each file access. This leads to an unnecessary write load and thus reduces the life of the SSD. Disabling this feature is encouraged.

It is pre-selected

Pre-configuration supports pre-used applications previously in RAM. Due to the fast access time to the SSD, this feature is useless and can be disabled.

Disable home file defragmentation

Due to the way files are stored on SSDs, defragmenting boot files is unreasonable and should be disabled as it shortens the life of your SSD.

Disables event logging in Windows

Windows permanently logs system configuration changes, as well as crashes and other events from various services and programs. This creates unnecessary write access and shortens the life of the SSD.

Save the short name

For support for older 16-bit DOS applications, Windows creates a short folder and filename, which gives you additional write access to your SSD. Current applications do not require these names, so they can be disabled

Abelssoft SSD Fresh 2020